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Name: Litauszki Tibor
Picture title: Overflight
Category: Birds
I am Hungarian, currently working in Germany.
Occupation: Nature photography is my hobby. I am a soft drink technician for a German company.

Technical information
Camera: DJI Mavic Zoom
Lens: FC2204
EXIF: 1/1000sec, 24mm, f/2.8, ISO 100


Litauszki TiborOverflight

Name: Litauszki Tibor
Picture title: Overflight
Category: Birds
I am Hungarian, currently working in Germany.
Occupation: Nature photography is my hobby. I am a soft drink technician for a German company.

Technical information
Camera: DJI Mavic Zoom
Lens: FC2204
EXIF: 1/1000sec, 24mm, f/2.8, ISO 100

Litauszki Tibor​ says:

The photo was taken in Hungary last January. There are saline lakes near my hometown, which were frozen due to the cold. Some snow had fallen on them the previous night. However, during the day, the temperature rose above zero, causing the snow to start melting. As a result, fascinating formations formed on the ice. I planned to go out and start flying my drone above the lakes, searching for interesting shapes. I was amazed because wherever I turned the drone, I found great compositions. Suddenly, I noticed a dozen Greater White-fronted Geese flying beneath my drone; they couldn’t have been very far because the footage was almost unedited. Reflexively, I took a series of shots. At that moment, I knew it was an irreplaceable moment. I immediately reviewed the shots, and out of the series, only this one picture was acceptable. I was fortunate that the sun was shining brightly because it allowed me to use a short shutter speed. This way, the geese remained sharp, without any motion blur. I was thrilled that both the composition and the birds were in the perfect position.

Litauszki Tibor

Litauszki Tibor

Hungaria / Germany

I was born in 1982 in Hungary. I fell in love with nature relatively early, because I loved spending holidays with my grandparents, who live in the village. I bought my first digital camera in 2008. That changed everything, from then on I was out in nature even more and tried to take special pictures. 

In the meantime, I met my wife, who lives on the other side of the country. This way, I took photos not only near my homeland but also in another landscape. Later, because of my work, we moved to Germany, which is a completely different region. So I can say that I feel at home in three different landscapes. Maybe that’s why I can create special photos because I already know these places very well. A change came into my life in 2018 when our little boy was born. Whereas before, I preferred to take photos at dawn or during the day. This changed because I wanted to spend more time with the family. So I decided to go out to take photos when the little boy had already fallen asleep at night. That’s why I tried night and dusk photography. At first, it was difficult to start, but later I was very impressed, and nowadays I almost only go out into nature in the evening. Sometimes there are exceptions, but then I have my drone and I try to create beautiful ones anyway.

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