Nature Photographer of The Year is a Nature Photography contest that celebrates the beauty of nature photography. We have some fantastic prizes for you to win including our top prize of € 3000,- cash for the winner, plus other great cash prizes and cool photo equipment. When you enter our nature photo competition you will also support various nature conservations projects. During our yearly Nature Talks Photo Festival in the Netherlands we will annouce all the winners. The winning images will also be shown in a photo exhibition on the festival and afterwards it will be traveling through the Netherlands and Belgium. Let Nature Talks!
Winners 2018
Overall winner: Bastien Riu (France) | FlightÂ

Category Birds
Category Mammals
Category Other Animals
Category Plants and Fungi
Category Landscape
Category Underwater
Category Nature Art
Category Man and Nature
Category Black and White
Category Youth
Category Fred Hazelhoff Portfolio Award
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Cruisin
A red fox (Vulpes vulpes) known as Foxy travels with his head out of a car window on his way to being walked in woodland east of London by his veterinarian owner/carer. Foxy was found abandoned as a tiny cub but now lives a semi-wild life.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Justice?
A farmer holds the dead body of a fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the two hens that it killed at a free range poultry farm in the West of England.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Coup de Grace
A gamekeeper performs a coup de grace on a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) by cutting its throat with a knife after shooting it with a rifle during a night time fox control patrol on an estate in rural Scotland. Foxes are routinely controlled in rural Britain by farmers, gamekeepers and, controversially, wildlife conservation organisations. Shooting and other measures of control are carried out in efforts to protect populations of other species, often ground nesting birds which are shot for sport.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Horses, Hounds and Huntsmen
The master and his hounds lead England’s oldest fox hunt – the Berkeley Hunt – out from the town of Thornbury to the applause of local country folk. Fox hunting was outlawed in Britain in 2005 but many hunts defy the law and keep the tradition alive in the belief that it will soon be legalised once again.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Standing Up for the Ban
Conservationists and supporters of animal rights march in London to protest against the British Government’s plans to vote on repealing the ban on fox hunting and plans to expand the controversial badger cull.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Nocturnal Neighbour
A young red fox (Vulpes vulpes) steps out from its den behind a shed in a garden in a suburb of Bristol in the United Kingdom. Urban fox populations often suffer from mange outbreaks and this youngster is showing early signs of the disease in its coat and eyes, making its future uncertain. The health, size and a boldness of Britain’s urban fox population draws great debate, but their adaptability has made them successful in their modern environment, meaning that we must learn to live alongside them.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Traffic Casualty
A red fox (Vulpes vulpes) lies dead on a country road after being hit by a car. Road deaths are one of the biggest killers of foxes and one of the greatest causes of cub abandonment.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | In caring hands
A badly injured male fox (Vulpes vulpes) which was found after being hit by a vehicle is checked over before being given treatment for his wounds at the Fox Project in Kent.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Feeding Time
A tiny red fox (Vulpes vulpes) cub is hand fed at a vet surgery east of London after being found abandoned by its mother.
Neil Aldridge (UK) | Living with Foxes
‘Sweetie’ the rescued red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is dried off after his bath by his owner/carer Mike.