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Name: Anton Trexler
Picture title: “Is there still space left?”
Category: Youth
Occupation: I am still student, and photography at all is a perfect balance to school. Maybe I am going to make photography my profession. 

Technical information
Camera: Nikon Z50
Lens: Sigma 60-600mm 4.5-6.3 Sport
EXIF: 1/1000 sec at f/6.3 ISO 140
Accessories: None

Anton Trexler | “Is there still space left?”

Name: Anton Trexler
Picture title: “Is there still space left?”
Category: Youht
Occupation: I am still student and photography at all is a perfect balance to school. Maybe I am going to make photography my profession. 

Technical information
Camera: Nikon Z50
Lens: Sigma 60-600mm 4.5-6.3 Sport
EXIF: 1/1000 sec at f6.3 ISO 140
Accessories: None

Anton Trexler says:

With this image I want to show the coexistence between human and animal in the simplest way. You can see many different characters in the bird’s behavior and one landing starling in the middle. When the starlings gather in autumn they often sit up on power lines in big group. When I discovered the gathering of birds on a place near Frankfurt, I photographed in backlight to the light-cloudy sky, which created the white background. The sun illuminated the wings of the landing starling in a golden light. Although the four power lines actually are behind each other, the picture looks two-dimensional. I love to capture more or less natural lines and shapes in a simple and abstract way.

About Anton Trexler:

About Anton Trexler:


My name is Anton. I am 16 years old, and I love to capture beautiful harmonies by getting creative with nature’s beauty and telling my own story with my images. I started with wildlife photography three years ago and now I am also exploring some other directions of photography. Last year I fell in love with high- and especially low-keys. I am constantly impressed by the opportunities that photography offers and I am curious to see how my way through photography will continue after finishing school in two years.

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