Name: László Tóth
Picture title: Glance of death
Category: Human and Nature
Nationality: Hungary
Occupation: I do photography as a second job, and photography is also my hobby.
Technical information
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS, @49mm
EXIF: 1/50 sec at f45,6, ISO 1250
László Tóth | Glance of death
Name: László Tóth
Picture title: Glance of death
Category: Human and Nature
Nationality: Hungary
Occupation: I do photography as a second job, and photography is also my hobby.
Technical information
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS, @49mm
EXIF: 1/50 sec at f45,6, ISO 1250
László Tóth says:
This photo was created as a result of an accident. I visited Hungary’s iconic hiking trail in the Aggtelek National Park. (The technical background of the photo also shows that the goal was not photography). At the edge of one of the woods, I saw a well with a low rim, not very deep, which had no roof. I was curious about it and looked at it more closely. Unfortunately, the lifeless body of a Tawny Owl was floating in the water of the well. An uncovered well on the edge of the forest caused the death of an owl. The bird probably detected movement and swooped down in the direction of the noise. Unfortunately, he was unable to take off. The light circle in the background is the sky reflected in the well ring.

About László Tóth:
I absorbed the love of nature with the air of the countryside as a child surrounded by forests and fields. I have always been interested in birds. In my place of residence, we researched the urban settlement of Wood-eared owls. Artificial nests for years, we placed in the area where the birds successfully raised their young. Recently, I have been helping with the bird protection works of the Bükki National Park as a volunteer, where I participate in the reintroduction of protected species. I set a goal to “lure” the Red-footed Falcon, a European roller, a little further down the edge of the nature reserve, to the forests and fields around my native village. So that the completion of each picture does not depend on chance, I started to build ambushes for myself. Best of all, I like to capture quick moments that are not very perceptible to the naked eye for an ordinary person, thus the long hours spent in ambush shrink into fleeting minutes. Sometimes I also compete with my picture, where the smaller or bigger successes I have achieved encourage me to continue, but none of the awards or rankings mean as much as the miracle of dawn experienced in nature!